Tractor Trailor Accidents: How To Protect Your Interests
Semi-trailer trucks occupy a large portion of many major highways across the country. Unfortunately, long-haul drivers are often subject to demanding conditions. Drivers can put themselves and others in danger. In the United States, approximately 500,000 truck-related accidents occur each year. If you or a loved one have been involved in an accident, you may be wondering what to do next.
Consult an Attorney
It’s smart to consult a tractor trailer injury attorney quickly after your accident. A professional can help walk you through the process and provide tips on how to proceed. Your attorney will represent your best interests until your case is closed. You may be owed compensation for factors such as medical expenses, property damage, and lost wages.
Document the Scene
If you are able, try to document the scene surrounding your accident. Take pictures of the vehicles involved, road conditions, construction zones, and injuries. Not everything can be reflected in photographs, so take more detailed notes, as well. The time of day, speed of travel, and behaviors leading up to the accident may make a difference. Witnesses can provide an outside perspective but often leave the scene early. Try to collect contact information before they go.
Notify the Authorities
Whether an accident is catastrophic or minor, you should always notify the authorities. Your documentation is important for your case, but it may be scrutinized. Police officers can provide an unbiased assessment of the scene. They are trained to see more details and interpret what happened. Reporting an accident will also guarantee that medical help arrives quickly.
Get Medical Treatment
Seeking medical treatment after an accident is important for several reasons. You may feel fine at the scene due to rushing adrenaline. The adrenaline can mask severe injuries. Keep yourself safe by having your health condition cleared by a professional. Your insurance company and attorney will very likely request medical reports to support your case. The more documentation you can provide throughout the process, the better.
Remain Calm
Becoming frantic is understandable, but it won’t help anything. Do your best to remain calm and level-headed. Thinking clearly will enable you to control and understand the situation. It will also prevent you from saying incorrect or offensive information to other involved parties.
Semi-truck accidents happen every day. It’s important to follow these tips if you or a loved one are involved. Remember that contacting an attorney can make all the difference.