Wed. Jan 15th, 2025

Root Canal Retreatment: Rejuvenating Teeth for Lasting Vitality

Dental infection due to caries or trauma, especially involving the pulp, can be distressing due to painful symptoms. Root canal procedures can successfully alleviate painful symptoms associated with pulp infection. But, unfortunately, sometimes the procedure may fail. In such cases, your dentist may recommend a retreatment to help restore oral health. 

Our renowned dentist in Willowdale, North York, ON, and their team offer state-of-the-art root canal retreatments, saving the tooth from extractions. 

Root canal retreatment is a repeat dental procedure that involves the removal of the previous crown and packing material, cleansing of the root canals, and re-packing and re-crowning of the tooth. It yields a success rate that ranges from around 70 to 75%.

Root canal retreatment is a better alternative than extractions, dental implants, and prosthetic bridges and is far less expensive. If you have good bone support, a solid surface, and healthy gums beneath, you can be an ideal candidate for root canal retreatment. 

When is root canal retreatment indicated?

When a previous root canal therapy fails, your dentist may suggest a retreatment procedure that is fairly easy and completed in 1 to 3 dental appointments. 

You may require a root canal retreatment for the following situations: 

  • Cracked crown
  • Leaking filling material
  • Secondary caries beneath the crown
  • Curved or narrow canals not treated during the previous procedure
  • Delay in crown fabrication following root canal therapy
  • Fracture in the treated tooth
  • Increased moisture entering the restored structure
  • Undetected complex canal structures

How is root canal retreatment performed?

The root canal retreatment is a simple procedure, and the number of visits required for the treatment depends on the extent and severity of the infection and the complexity of the treatment.

The procedure is as follows:

  • Your dentist will administer local anesthesia to numb the affected tooth
  • A rubber dam will be used to isolate the tooth, which helps prevent moisture and bacteria 
  • Your dentist will begin by removing your customized crown and the post to gain access to the tooth
  • An ultrasonic handpiece will be used to remove any filling or obstructions blocking the root canals
  • Tiny instruments will be used to clean and reshape the root canal 
  • When the dentist is confident that the root canals are clean and there is no infection left, gutta-percha will be used to pack the space
  • During the next visit, oral impressions will be taken for crown fabrication
  • After about a week, your dentist will place your permanent crown using dental cement

The root canal retreatment procedure can be tedious, but it’s worth a try. Since it greatly reduces the need for extractions and other extensive dental procedures. Consult your dentist if you experience pain and discomfort even after a root canal therapy.