Convincing Elderly Loved Ones To Accept Help
Taking care of an elderly parent or other loved one can be difficult, especially when the individual’s health continues to decline or if your loved one doesn’t want help. One of the hardest things about watching your loved ones get older is recognizing their frustration at losing the ability to care for themselves. As you work to ensure their safety and well-being, it helps if you understand why your parents may be resistant to help or specific types of care.
Consider Your Loved One’s Losses
Elderly individuals experience many losses as they continue to get older, including friends and family members, physical health, memory and mental losses, and reduced autonomy. Accepting help from strangers or professionals often means giving up privacy and even more independence in addition to those other losses. Taking these things into consideration, it’s easier to understand why elderly parents may be resistant, feel vulnerable, and even be angry at the idea of needing help.
Understand Their Difficulties
These emotional difficulties are often combined with others, including mental health concerns. When mental illnesses are part of the problem, it may be necessary to involve professionals in ensuring the health and safety of your loved one. If memory loss, dementia, or Alzheimer’s makes it difficult, your loved one may not understand why it’s necessary to accept services. Some individuals believe that it is wrong to accept help or may worry about how much it will cost to have help.
Seek Help and Access Resources
There are steps you can take to help you have the necessary discussions with reluctant loved ones. For example, you could ask a doctor or medical professional to bring up the topic of care needs. If you and your family members are involved in the discussion, be prepared with a specific description of the type of help that required. Plan a time to talk when you and your loved one are comfortable and relaxed. It may help to have other family members involved in the discussion. Recognize that you may need to talk about the topic more than once. It may take consistent, respectful persuasion to convince your elderly loved one to accept help.
Research the Options
One helpful option is being aware that there are several care options. For example, some adult foster care service massachusetts firms offer alternatives to nursing homes or assisted living centers. Adult Foster Care programs encourage some independence while providing help with daily living activities. The caregivers involved in these programs may be a professional or a family member who participates in and completes appropriate training.
Be Patient and Persistent
When your elderly loved one is at risk because of his or her age, you may be faced with the difficult task of arranging help. Be sure to consider why your loved one is resistant to help, take advantage of the tips offered here and other resources available in your community, and look into all the different care options. With patience and persistence, it is possible to find a pleasant, comfortable resolution.